
Smart Parking Solution with Standalone App


UI/ UX Design


App Development

Ordo is a microprocessor-based system that uses a Raspberry Pi as the central processor of the system and provides an imperative solution for the parking problems in places that are overcrowded in metropolitan cities such as malls, hospitals, either being it single or multi-level parking. The drivers are assisted by the smart monitoring and information that is provided by the system using the standalone mobile application. The app involves an auto payment feature that makes the supervising of the payment easier for the stakeholder. The parking system consists of deployment of sensors that transmits signals to the micro processor for availability of the parking slot that can allow the end users to pre-book the spot while entering the parking lot. This in turn would prove to be useful in reducing the time required for search of free parking space by manually driving through multiple slots. Some of its other advantages are :

  • To reduce pollution in metropolitan areas and enhance digital payments.

  • To allow user to co-ordinate various spaces prior to being present at the location by showing a pool of available spots integrated into the app.

  • To provide an increased security and scalability for parking spaces.


The hardware part consists of sensors and cameras to extract data from the environment and transmit this information to the micro-processor which is the central part of the system that is Raspberry pi module which should be connected to a cloud server. This is further linked to a database management system which is updated frequently as per the real-world environment and the dynamic changes are visible to the end-user via a mobile application.

The mobile application has a user profile feature where each user creates a profile that contains the vehicle information and a search option to look for a location and its surrounding areas where a parking space is available within a radius of 200 meters from the desired location. A pre-booking feature would enable the user to secure a spot prior to arrival and a pre-payment would be required for that scenario. The user can also keep the spot booked for a definite time interval or indefinite interval and the parking fees would be calculated accordingly, and the virtual payment portal is connected to online payment portals that would allow cashless transactions and instead of looking for a due change every time. The price ranges are susceptible to price changes as per the demand. The stakeholders can monitor the process and in case of any kind of illicit activity, the user could get fined and the fine should be paid before they can use the app for any other booking and in case of the fine is not paid, the registered license number of the car would not allow the user to make any other account in ORDO and therefore the process is secured and well-monitored to the stakeholders.

An AI based system will be responsible of handling the searching and updating of the database system and as well as monitoring the flow of work and having decision-based control methods to handle the dynamic pricing of the parking fees in case on increased demand and as well as relocating the user to a nearest spot in case the preferred location does not have a vacant spot. Also monitor the flow of work in case any malfunction in flow then creating an alert to the stakeholders.

If the user has not pre-booked a spot a QR code is assigned at each spot to identify the spot in the app so as the user can scan and automatically receive the details of the spot they parked on.

The details of the user to monitor where they have parked their car and the timer will be shown as on the app. After they end the timer when they leave the spot, they will be re-directed to their payment portal to pay their due amount.


Project Done as a part of B.Tech 3rd Year (Semester 1) Project Based Learning Course, Patent Published